2.7 inches
Mort Cohen collection
Cloth tabs, using the same color scheme
of the GHQ SSI began to appear at this time
for wear over the GHQ patch. (Figures 5.
Upon its arrival in Tokyo, the Honor
Guard Company was split into two units:
one was assigned to the American Em-
bassy, residence for the General, his family
and some staff, and the other served in the
GHQ at the Dai Ichi Building (Figure 12).
The former Dai Ichi Insurance Company
offices in downtown Tokyo was one of the
finest in the city and is located directly op-
posite the Imperial Palace. The eight-story
office building contains more than 250
rooms. Because of its sturdy concrete con-
struction, it survived Allied bombings and
actually had Japanese radar and anti-aircraft
guns on its roof.