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SOLD, Ww2 US ARMY 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment Patch. "Brave Rifles"B


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3.2 by 3.8 inches 

Mort Cohen collection 

ACCOLADE. The Remimentel Accolade vas given to
the Regiment by General Winfield Scott, Comnanding
Ceneral of American Forces during the Mexican War.
On 14 September 1847, the day after the fall of the
Castle Fortress of Chapultepec, Ceneral Scolt address-
ed the troopers with these vords: "Brave Rifles!
Veterans! You have been baptized in fire and blood
and come out steel.
MOTTO. The Regimental Motto is
"Blood and Steel"
derived from the accolade piven it by General Win-
field Scott.
COLORS. Although the Regiment became the 3d
traditionally been so referred to, instead of
"standards" authorized for mounted units.
When nev colors are issued to the Regiment,
parade of revlev 16 scheduled, at which, with
approprtate ceremony, the new and old colors of the
Regiment are blessed by the Regimental Chaplain.
The old colors are then retired and are framed and
placed in the Regimental Museun.
The Regimental Color
Bearers, and Color Card are provided by Headquarters
Troop. The Color Sereaant is traditionally provided
by Troop "f", since the firut flag raised on the
National Palace of Mexico City on 13 September 1847
vas borne by Sergeant Janes Manley, the Regimental
Color Sergeant, then a member of Company "F", To
perpetuate Sergeant Manley's hervic act, a sergeant
from Troop "F" to this day corando the color guard
SISTER RODENT. The "Sister Regiment" of the 30
Armored Cavalry Regiment is the United States 30 In-
fantry Regiment, with which the Regiment was first
brigaded under command of our first Colonel, Persifor
Frazer Smith, during the Mexican War. The 3d Infantry
Regiment also received its accolade "The Old Guard"
from General Winfield 3cott during the Mexican War,
" which eppears on 149
The PerimentAl irutreters are 30
called, rather then buglers as alsovhere in tho
as a result of the original distinguished
Aotit on the reginental coat of hrms of a trumpet
presented in 1802 by she Ladies of Neuhinuton.
Thia historle truspat remains in the Regarental
Turow as a treasured possussion, In parades and
Pavlews it 17 corried inmediately vah1nd the loci-
dental Color by a noncoJmscionad officer so
designated or that ceremony,
UNIFORI AD PACING3. Upon 1ts organization, the
neglinent vas euthorized the baste field uniform of
the Dragoons, the First and Second Retiments of
Dragoons then forming a part of the regular military
establishmont. To this basic uniforu were added
facings and trim of distinctive color. Originally,
the trouter stripe vas black, piped in Dragoon
Oranga, A trouser atripa of Dragoon Orange vas
emerald green.
stripes vas continued many year, even after the
Rocinent recame the 34 Cavalry, and the trouser
stripe, instaad of Dragoon Orange, became Cavalry
Yellow.In lee original t'orn,
the authorized visored cap
Of the Regiment bore an embroidered engle,
in the
center of which vas the letter
The letter
also appeared on the buttons of the jacket or tunic,
and on the west plate.HONORARY AWARDS.
There are three types of Honorary
Awards. The following personnel are entitled avards
as indicated: The outgoing Regimental Comnander
Bravest Rifle; officers of the Regiment
- Brave
Rifles; distinguished civilians, Officers of the
United States and NATO nations and troopers of the
- Honorary Trooper.
As the occasion arises, distinguished military
and eivilian quests of the Regiment are avarded
certificate making them Honorary Trooper
• The
nawes of these guests are then inscribed on the
Regimental Rolls.
Of ancient vintage is the
Regimental Sound Off, supposed to have orteinated
during the many Indian campaigns in which the Regi-
ment participated folloved the War betveen the Statas.
The last phrase of the response 1s said to have been
derived from an Indian phrase meaning
"Let us march
tovard the enemy
At one time, the Regimental Sound
Off 1s believed to have been rendered before dis.insal
from any company formation.
It is rendered es follows
"Brave Rifles!"
"Blood and Steel!"
The Regiment has been awarded thirty-s1x (36)
The Regiment van alco the proud racipient of the
Distinguished Unit Citation for Bantogne, von during
World War II by the 3d and 21st Tank Battalions of
which the Regiment vet the guront organization.
addition to these avarde the following engraved
silver rings are authorized to be carried on the
staff of the designeted euldons: Troop A-Texas 1855;
Nev Mexico 1859; Luzon 1901; Troop B-Nebraske 1872;
Troop C-South Dexota 1877; Troop P'-Texas 1869;
Troop I-Molino del Rey,
Troop G vas avarded the Croiz de Guerre vith Silver
Star for heroic action ageinat the enery, 5 November
1944; and Troop L wat avarded the Croix de Guerre
with Palm for heroic uction against the enery, Augurt.
September 1944.